75 Registrants of 80-person capacity, as of Wednesday 8/9/2023, 6pm.  Registration is now closed.

Reminder, this event is on Tuesday, August 15 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm, $35, at the Marmalade Cafe, El Segundo, CA. If you see your name here, that means your payment has been credited, and we look forward to seeing you there! 

You don’t need to bring any type of payment confirmation. If you see your name, just pick up your name badge(s) and meal ticket(s) at the door.

Sally Abling
Etild Asjian
Michael Balale
Steve Bessler
Jeanette Betts
David Bloodgood
Sheila Bloodgood
Dena B. Bouskos
Kim Brooks
Mike Carl
Bob Cash
Charles Clendening
Antoinette (Toni) Crichton
Karen Czerwinski
Bob Eshbaugh
Shirley Eshbaugh
Mark Ford
Chuck Garrity
Astrid Gronwold
Warren Haraki
Susan Hemstock
Allan Herschderfer
Diane Herschderfer
Michael Hirsch
Carl Holcomb
Mary Jane Holcomb
Reggie Jue
Joyce Komatsu
Mal Kong
Carol Low
Rhonda MacDonald
Janis MacRae
Lisa McGuire
Dale Mircheff
Gary Moir
Dale W Mooney
Paul Mullin
Cindy Noble
Holly C Osborne
Pam Overton
Cliff Pang
Fran Paxson
Mark D Pendleton
James Pernal
Suresh Pillay
John Ranaudo
Susan Ranaudo
Rusty Reece
Val Reece
George Reppucci
Michele Reppucci
Blake Sathoff
Tina Sathoff
Carol Schamp
Roger Schamp
Hermann Schurr
Emma Sczesniak
Ray Sczesniak
Arthur (Art) Sheppard
Richard B Sherwood
Ronald Sobchik
Judith Stewart
William J Stieritz
Stephanie Sundius
Carole Urfrig
Donald Urfrig
Rochelle Venegas
Brooks Vogt
Karen White
Rob White
Esau Wilder
Jacob Wilder
Jacki Wills
Cathy Wittig
Steve Yi