The Retirees Association (TRA) Forums News About TRW/NG Si Ramo Passes Away at 103 Reply To: Si Ramo Passes Away at 103

Mal KongMal Kong

Si Ramo made TRW an elite and prestigious place for engineers and scientists to work. His concept of an office for every engineer and scientist was unprecedented in the Aerospace industry. Every practicing manager should read his 2005 book “Meetings, Meetings, and More Meetings: Getting Things Done When People Are Involved”, in which he estimated that 3/4 of all the meetings he ever attended could have been shorter with more useful results! His start of work in the ballistic missile arena precipitated the need to form TRW’s Vulnerability & Hardness Lab in 1968 (the lab’s name was subsequently changed to the Hardness & Survivability Lab by Dr. Don Jortner).
Peace to a truly great man who will always be remembered. Thank you, Dr. Ramo for your “all” that you gave us.
Mal Kong