How to Use This Site
Welcome to the new TRA website. Are you new to this site? If you haven’t registered recently (after Oct 2015), you will need to register (or navigate there by hovering your mouse over “Members” and then clicking on “Register” on the main menu) so that we can ensure that only valid members have access to our member database. Not a TRA member? Join on-line (Members->Member Join).
There’s a pretty good chance that when you retired, you said the same thing that many of us did: “I’ll miss the people.” That doesn’t need to be the case! The TRA is your way to keep in touch with your fellow alumni.
Do you have a question about health care? Have you been on a trip recently? Heard a good joke? Want to share an interesting link? Are you a pilot or have other interesting hobbies? Go to our Member Forums (Forums on the Main Menu) and start a dialog with your fellow members.
Are you interested in finding other members with similar interests or who worked the same program as you did? You can do a Member Search (Members->Member Search) and find other members who have filled in the member profile.
Is there another retiree that you would like to contact but don’t have an email address? If he/she has registered on the website, you can message (Members->Messaging) them through the website, and he/she will get your message along with an email. If your retiree has not registered on the website, you can write him/her an email and send it to and we’ll forward it to them if we have an email address on file.
This site it intended to be interactive, so feel free to provide comments or vote in our Member Poll (Link from the Home Page right column).
Do you want to read through old copies of the NNG? You can scan through archives (Publications->No Name Gazette) that go back to 2004!. Or, see photos from past TRA events (TRA Events->Past Event Photos).
Take a look at the Blogs and see what’s happening. If you have something to add and want to have us post a page, send a note to
We do not have a way to contact people as they retire. If you know recent or long-time retirees who are not members of TRA, please let them know that our association exists and is working to keep our members in touch.
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